At INKSCOOL, our Mission and Goal is to provide an affordable and quality controlled Professional Certified Tattoo Course to everyone who has dreamed of becoming a tattoo artist or making a career in a beautiful artistic industry.
Here, we will not charge you lakhs of amount
Here you will not be cheated or duped off your money
Here we do not make false promises or commitments to our students
At INKSCOOL, we want to make YOU SUCCESSFUL. Our students are our No:1 Priority and nothing is more important to us than our student's needs, trainings, their personal growth and success in the field of not just tattooing but life.
Our students are the brand ambassadors of INKSCOOL and we make sure that they receive nothing less than the best.
INKSCOOL Tattoo Training Institute Pune India has been one of the oldest and reputable tattoo training institute and studio in the tattoo industry. It has the best faculty members, most effective curriculum and training module, practical approach towards learning and development of skillset, state of the art infrastructure including practical room, theoritical room, projection room and the observation room, completely equipped with most expensive and latest technologies with advanced machinery and equipments for student's practice, along with our free lifetime support and guidance.
At INKSCOOL you will learn Professional Tattooing under supervision of highly trained and reputed tattooist Syed Hamza Ali with years of experience and expertise in the field of tattooing, and providing quality education and training to anyone wanting to become a tattoo artist. This course will enable the students to gain live experience in the field of body art and tattooing. The tattoo course has been designed to turn a fresher into a professional tattoo artist. With flexible timings and days, it also becomes easy for employed people to also learn this art as per their convenience and to establish their own business. Here, we make sure that the quality of our education is never compromised and that all our students are provided with equal oppurtunities to help them grow. The professional tattoo course that we have designed for our students will help them in gaining an upper hand in the tattooing industry by working on live projects, handling clients, making permanent tattoos and also interacting with the professionals of the tattoo industy.

Professional Certified Tattoo Course Duration: 10 weeks
Introduction To The Tattoo Industry
Tattoo History and Traditions
Skin Dermatology
Art Technique {Design, Drawing, Flash}
Stencil Creation & Application
Human Body & Anatomy
Tattoo Design Editing & Creation
Computer Software Training, Coral Drawn, Paint & Designing
Aseptic Technique, Sterilization and After Care.
OSHA Health and Safety Standards
Machine Construction & Adjustment
Outlining Technique
Shading Technique
Color Mixing & Theory
In-depth Study of Tattoo Needles
Practical Laboratory
Observation Session
Client Handling
Soft Skills Training
Personality Development
Communication Skill Development
Pricing & Competition Analysis
Telecommunication Skills
Tattoo Shop Establishment
Tattoo Business Administration
Advertising & Marketing Strategies
Mock Sessions
Certification from Institute after successful completion

At Inkscool, we take limited students and the selection is done through personal interview. Tattooing is an extremely different art form and is not like drawing. We would train our students and help them into improving their fine art skills and becoming better artists. Students would be required to attend classes on a regular basis, and would be provided with study materials. We would work on our students and train them until we are confident about their work.
We value our relationship with our students and we support them into becoming good tattoo artists and ,realizing their dream and passion of entering the ever growing industry of body art and tattoos.

The old days of acquiring an apprenticeship simply by sweeping floors and answering phones are more or less gone forever due to the increase in the perception that tattooing is a desirable career, and the subsequent overwhelming increase in those with little or no knowledge or respect for the art of tattooing seeking apprenticeship. The industry professionals have seen a devastating number of would-be tattoo apprentices quit their apprenticeship early, due to problems with their ego’s, feeling they have learned enough or simply no-longer finding themselves willing to submit to the requirements imposed by their teacher. These quitters then simply go out and seek employment in less reputable tattoo establishments or tattoo from home and do a terrible dis-service to the community by tattooing the public with incomplete and insufficient training. This renders the time spent on the apprenticeship as an absolute waste, of both the teachers time, and the public trust. This is why most tattooers will refuse you. The competition in current times is SO STIFF that if you become a tattooer with anything less than the highest education, you will find it impossible to get a position in a good studio, and will certainly find your dream of being a tattooer dashed by the realities of poverty. It may be helpful to think of it this way: You want an apprenticeship, which basically means that you want a tattooer to teach you EVERYTHING they know, impart upon you all skills, knowledge, and understanding required to give you a successful career and essentially transform you into their most fierce competitor, so what are you going to do for them? What do you have to offer that is equal in value to the thousands of hours they will spend training you IN ADDITION to the skills they are imparting which are intended to finance your life and allow you to make a good living for as long as you practice them? You had better have something in mind that is more significant than “I will clean the shop and answer the phone” if you want to be taken seriously. Why do you want to become a tattoo artist? Do you have tattoos? Do you know anything about what it means to be a tattooer that you didn't learn from “reality” television? Most of the applicants we've had seek apprenticeship from us couldn't even name a single industry professional, or even tell me the name of their favorite tattooer. *Before you go looking for an tattoo training you had better do your homework. Learn who is tattooing in your area, know their names, and the styles of tattooing they practice, and try to identify who is good, and who is not. *GET TATTOOED by the artists you respect. The time you spend in the chair paying for tattoos is the best opportunity you have to learn what it means to be a tattooer, and to talk with an artist you respect about tattooing, and why it interests you. Any joker who stumbles into a shop and asks “are you looking for an apprentice” is going to get shut down, and for good reason. *offer to help out around the shop where you get tattooed. Not in trade for apprenticeship, but FOR FREE. This demonstrates a interest in and loyalty to the studio, as well as a level of humility which are each important qualities in a potential apprentice. If they allow you to help out around the shop, they MAY be giving you the opportunity to become known to them, and eventually consider you for apprenticeship. Different tattooers will respond differently in this situation. Some will just take advantage of your offer for as long as possible, and use you up for all the free work they can get out of you without ever even considering you as an apprentice. Regardless, you should NEVER expect that your helping out around the shop is going to guarantee you an apprenticeship, it merely serves as a way to create a reason for your being there, and allows the shop employees to get to know you, which improves your chance of being taken as an apprentice, if you have any to begin with. NEVER just hang around a tattoo shop and not DO anything, unless you already have a very good personal relationship with the tattooers who work there and have been invited to make social calls. *Take art classes on your own. We know most would-be apprentices tend to think their art is already radical and awesome and that their sh*t doesn't stink and all they need to learn are the tattoo tools and techniques, but they are wrong. The reality is that your drawings and paintings are probably poor. And the sooner you check your ego and admit it, the sooner you will learn something and get better. Naturally there are always exceptions, and some very highly skilled artists do come into apprenticeship positions, however, even these know little if anything about good tattoo design, and need to learn all of their design techniques all over again in order to make tattoos that stand the test of time. If you can't manage art classes, then you had better be drawing OBSESSIVELY. Don’t stroll into a tattoo shop and show them a handful of sketches and call it your “portfolio”. You had better have STACKS of sketchbooks FILLED and overflowing with drawings that demonstrate your PASSION for drawing if you want any good tattoo artist to take you seriously. *Be prepared to make the apprenticeship your TOP priority. This means that any other jobs, relationships, or obligations come SECOND, and that if your teacher tells you to be somewhere at a certain time, the answer is “yes sir, Ill be there”…not “oh i cant, I have this other thing I have to do”. All successful tattoo artists know that the only way to get through an apprenticeship and into a career as a tattooer, is to be ready and willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING. We have paid our dues, and for nearly all of us that included a period of POVERTY, working 80 hour apprentice weeks with little or no pay for a year or more, no time for serious romantic relationships which results in loss of partners, friends, and missing out on “good-times” and activities we might like to have partaken in. There is no comfortable way to become a highly successful tattooer, and anyone who thinks it will be easy, is fooling themselves.Interested in an apprenticeship at Inkscool? APPRENTICE REQUIREMENTS. The candidate must meet several requirements in order to qualify for the apprenticeship. Pre-existing artistic ability, on some level, which can be cultivated Desire to learn, study, and immerse themselves in tattooing excellent personal hygiene. ability to commit 30-40 hours per week to the education. The cost of the apprenticeship shall be 60000 rs and will be paid, in full, at the time of joining. There will be NO REFUNDS in the event the apprentice quits, gets fired, or for any other reason or circumstance that may arise that prohibits the apprentice from finishing. APPRENTICESHIP DURATION. The apprenticeship shall last for 6 months. If there are any circumstance that arise during the period such as travel, illness, injury, or any other event that prevent the apprentice from studying directly under Syed Hamza Ali, the amount of time that is missed shall be made-up. For instance, if Syed goes on vacation for one month during the apprenticeship, the actual duration of the apprenticeship shall be 7 months. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE APPRENTICESHIP, Syed Hamza Ali will, over the course of the 6 months, teach the apprentice everything they need to know in order to carry out a successful career in tattooing. As well as other periphery knowledge that may supplement and enhance a tattooing career in other artistic and business endeavors. Following are some examples of the types of knowledge which will be passed on…sterilization and aseptic techniques necessary for disease transmission prevention knowledge required to identify, from a tattooers perspective, a “GOOD” tattoo basic book keeping, filing, secretarial, and office duties relative to tattoo studios advanced understanding of client relations guaranteed to increase business overall well rounded understanding of tattoo industry, community, and local competition multi-media art lessons designed to educate beautiful / time-safe imagery for tattoos lessons that will produce custom tattoo flash, and knowledge of how to profit from it every detail involved in the correct tattoo process, from beginning, to end all required technical information on how to physically apply a tattoo that will heal properly tattoo-specific techniques to insure tattoo designs are well suited to specific body parts thorough understanding of tattoo machines of all types and how to use / maintain them access to every supply company, and every product necessary for tattooing all information relative to being able to work in tattoo studios anywhere all information relative to opening, owning, and running a successful tattoo studio one tattoo from Syed Hamza Ali, beginning on the 4th month. WHATS EXPECTED. The apprenticeship will function in some ways like a vocational school, there are certain standards which must be maintained in order for the student to “pass”. In a tattoo apprenticeship there are also certain standards which must be maintained in order to finish. In the event the apprentice does NOT meet these standards, the apprenticeship will be terminated and no refund will be given. Obviously, some of these behaviors may need to be learned, and warnings, when appropriate will be given, and the apprentice will have the opportunity to change their behavior. Other circumstances may result in immediate termination, at the sole discretion of Syed Hamza Ali. Accountability: When the apprentice is given an assignment, they will be expected to complete it by the deadline provided. Punctuality: The apprentice will be expected to maintain the highest standards of punctuality. In the event that a schedule cannot be met, the apprentice will be expected to inform Syed with as much advance notice as possible. Tardiness to work, late homework, and general disregard for deadlines will absolutely not be tolerated. Honesty: The apprentice will be expected to maintain absolute honest and fairness in all dealings, both privately and within work settings. Theft will ALWAYS result in IMMEDIATE TERMINATION. General deception or lack of moral integrity will not be tolerated. Nobody is perfect, however, the apprentice will be expected to show basic solidity of character, and the ability to be forthright. Personal hygiene: The apprentice will be expected to demonstrate good personal hygiene and basic good grooming habits while affiliated to Inkscool Tattoos.Affiliated costs: Some exercises and lessons will require added expenditure from the apprentice. For example, painting lessons will require the purchase of art supplies, such as sketch books, canvas, paint, brushes, paper, inks, etc. Furthermore, at some point during the apprenticeship the student will be required to purchase their own tattoo equipment and machines. These expenses will NOT be paid by the initial apprenticeship cost of Rs. 1,50,000, and will be the sole responsibility of the apprentice. We would advise any apprentice not being supported by other means, to acquire part time employment in order to support these expenses. Dedication: The apprentice will be expected to show basic respect for, and serious dedication to their teacher, and tattooing in general. Failure to complete assignments on time, disregard for or complaints about lesson content will not be tolerated. By purchasing the apprenticeship, the apprentice acknowledges that Syed Hamza Ali is qualified to instruct them, and must for the duration of the apprenticeship submit to the wisdom and better judgement of Syed Hamza ALi in regards to all things tattoo related. All assignments and tasks are designed to enable the apprentice to transition into tattooing as a career with all required skills for success, though the relativity of some may not be immediately apparent. The time-line of lessons is not set. Each lesson and the timing of the integration of each phase of education is determined based on the apprenticeʼs aptitude and ability. I will break the education into four phases, beginning with phase 1 and integrating another phase roughly every 6 weeks until all four become part of the curriculum, custodial duties, and basic customer relations, train for management of sterilisation procedures, take responsibility for inventory and supply acquisition, secretarial training ( handling of the files, emails, phone calls, ordering of supplies ), muscle memory exercises, and basic tattoo design concepts. tattoo aftercare theory and methods, tattoo community research and development exercises, painting and drawing exercises, personal assistant responsibilities, compiling data into reference material for future business management, selected reading assignments, apprentice makes actual tattoos on “volunteers” for free, begin development of tattoo flash / designs, tattoo machine, needles and their uses, development of portfolio, advanced explanation of tattooing process, intermediate painting and drawing exercises, development of the apprentice as a brand, promotions tasks,apprentice begins to make tattoos on “volunteers” for nominal fApprentice tattooing as close to full time as they can on “volunteers”, at increased rate. WHAT COMES AFTER At the end of 6 months of study, having met all requirements and completing the apprenticeship, the student graduates. From this point on they are no longer considered an apprentice, but a tattoo artist. Ideally, the apprentice will complete his or her apprenticeship having created a good relationship with the teacher, and all other shop employees. If this is the case the apprentice, having graduated will be invited to stay on as an artist at the shop. Typically the artist would remain at the studio where they had served their apprenticeship for at least one year, but are not required to do so. In the unlikely event that the apprentice does complete the apprenticeship, but does NOT manage to develop a good working relationship with the teacher and other shop employees, the offer to stay on as an artist will NOT be extended. In this scenario, the apprentice, upon graduation, will be required to clear out immediately after graduation, however, having completed the apprenticeship with Syed Hamza Ali, they will have all the necessary skills to find gainful employment elsewhere. The latter scenario is INCREDIBLY unlikely, because in MOST foreseeable circumstances, if the apprentice cannot develop a good working relationship with the teacher and all shop employees, they will not graduate.As a tattoo artist, ones responsibilities change. A tattoo artist is responsible for cleaning and sterilizing only their own equipment, handling their own supplies, bookings, and filing. The artist is no longer solely responsible for the custodial duties of the studio, but must continue to see to their own custodial needs.Many of the responsibilities of apprenticeship do, however, remain such as maintaining the integrity, passion, drive, honesty and hygiene that qualified them in the first place. These qualities are integral to the success of ones career, and if they falter at ANY point, at ANY reputable shop, ones employment comes into jeopardy.Given an appropriate level of dedication, enthusiasm, and effort, a newly minted tattoo artist in Mumbai can reasonably expect to make sufficient income to sustain themselves independently. Depending on the raw and developed talent of the artist, they may live quite well, certainly making more and working less than any other service industry job could offer perhaps 6-9 lakhs in the first year. A tattoo artists income is intimately related to their attitude, their talent, and their level of effort in all areas of the job. It is reasonable to say that any artist who makes a reasonable score in these areas, will increase their income steadily as months and years go by, and as their career develops and their ambition grows, there is really no limit to the amount one can make.


Approved Skill Providing Institute - Ministry of Labour & Employment
ISO Certified Institute 9001:2015
Call Us @ 8806928209