How to Make A Career In The Indian Tattoo Industry
In the search of aquiring knowledge about making career in the field of tattooing, people often go through a lot of you tube videos and think they can become professional tattoo artist which eventually leads to their doom, as it is extremely easy to lay your hands on cheap Chinese tattoo kits sold by the suppliers in the Indian market today. These suppliers sometimes even sell fake machines, replicas and first copy of machines and products which is really hard to distinguish. After purchasing the equipments these scratchers also known as the YouTube tattoo artists starts practicing on their friends and clients thus severely impacting and damaging their skin, thereby causing skin problems, allergies, reactions and long term affects on the skin. A person who is mentally sane would never even want to go to such tattoo parlors or get a tattoo done by the scratchers. Also, sometimes in order to become professional tattoo artists, students often look at their own convenience and comfort, and learn from any tattoo studio located near their house which may not even provide them with proper knowledge. Remember, A GOOD TATTOO ARTIST MIGHT NOT BE A GOOD TEACHER, so don't become super impressed just by looking at the portfolio of the tattoo artist. Check out the student's work, the school's infrastructure, speak to the management, discuss the curriculum, talk about the scope, let the studio do an analysis on your art work, see if the master has the skills to teach, and question him or her about their own experience and qualifications. If it's a good teacher, then they won't mind answering your questions related to the tattoo industry. Also, a lot of time people go for cheaper options to learn tattooing, remember, you will get exactly what you pay for. All good things in life, comes with a price. Sometimes, tattoo artists also ask insane amount of money to teach tattooing which sometimes take a long time to recover from the Indian Tattoo Industry, during that time you should look at your financial situation, select the best option from where you can do a proper certified course, and speak to the trainers of those institutes. A trainer with too much of pride, ego and attitude should be AVOIDED at all costs. These trainers will always be full of hot air, with false pride and limited knowledge, and will often act like celebrities. If you are learning from these kinds then only God can have mercy upon your soul. Remember to treat them like normal humans and not celebrities.
Learning the art of tattooing will not happen in a month, there will be a proper set duration and detailed module prepared by the trainers of the institute. A trainer who will only make you sketch for 1 or 2 months is not doing their job properly and you need speak to them or get out of that place quickly. And lastly Tattoo Workshops, it's a good place for artists to socialize, chit chat and ask a few random questions. But also don't expect all your questions to be answered by the artists attending the workshop because sometimes they will not disclose the right tricks of the trade. The answers are sometimes twisted in a way to make you even more confused, to question and to start doubting yourself, and sometimes the questions are not even answered. If increasing your knowledge, and aquiring that special tattooing skill is what you are looking for then a workshop is not where you want to be. You should rather approach the tattoo artist and personally learn the skill by paying the due amount. Trust me, that is exactly how you can learn and get your questions answered in the right method. Avoid spending too much on a workshop and rather utilize that amount towards buying the right equipment, or investing it towards proper full time training. Let's just say a workshop is like a trailer before the actual movie. The Indian Tattoo Industry is a booming industry and it is definitely here to stay. Do your research well before joining the institutes and make sure to ask a lot of questions before finally paying up the fees. And when in doubt feel free to contact us for consultation purpose without any charges.

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